Friday, February 25, 2005

Local Man Mark Wilson Breaks up Tyler Shooting

Here is the the skinny on the shooting in Tyler.

Go read the story and look at the layout.

I listened to 1080 KRLD this morning while feeding hay and they were interveiwing eyewitneses.

Apparently the civilian bystander who was killed drove the gunman off. The bystander was Mark Wilson who moved to within a few feet of the gunman and managed to shoot him twice before being shot himself. According to the wintesses on the radio, Arroyo ran away after being shot, rather than staying and finishing off his vicitms.

Another detail is that three police officers fired at Arroyo prior to Wilson being involved but all three were hit and were down. Only Wilson alone hiding behind Arroyo's truck stood between Arroyo and a continued rampage.

I don't know what kind of handgun Mark Wilson had, but to go up against a shooter armed with an AK-47, he had some balls. My hat goes off to Mark Wilson.